A New iPhone App and an Upgrade to Our iPad App

iPhone App version 1.0

Last summer one of our Top 10 LiveBinders nominees, David Prindle, shared an interesting story with us. Students from his science class did not have LiveBinders accounts to keep track of his class binders, so instead they used a QR reader downloaded on their iPhones. His students could then get access to his binders directly from their phones, even without the QR code in front of them, using the “History” feature from the QR reader.

We incorporated David’s suggestion to create a simple iPhone App that lets you or your students view and organize public LiveBinders without the need to register for a LiveBinders account. Additionally, you can now search for public binders using our search tool and view presorted “Featured” binders and binders sorted under our “Education” category. Any binder that you view will then be tracked and listed under the “History” tab of the iPhone app for easy access.

Learn more about the iPhone app from this binder:

To download the app, search for “LiveBinders for iPhone” in your iPhone’s App Store. Thanks to David for sharing that great suggestion with us!

iPad app version 1.5

We recently added a feature that lets you link Evernote notes and any files that are uploaded into your binder. Simply go to your LiveBinders iPad App and select “My Uploads.” Click on the “+” icon at the top. Select “Evernote.” It will prompt you to log into your account. Note: You will need to install the Evernote iPad App for this to work with your account. Once you are logged into Evernote, it will list all of your notes and their attached files as separate links. You can select one item at a time to be added to your binder. Evernote note files and other Microsoft documents will appear as thumbnails in your tab page.  Thanks goes out to our LiveBinder member Justin Stallings for answering all of our initial questions about how useful an Evernote connector would be in our editor.


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